Panipat to Ambala distance By Train | Road | Bus

1 January 2023

The distance between Panipat and Ambala by road is approximately 100 kilometers. The journey by car or bus typically takes around 2 hours, depending on traffic and other factors. There are also several trains that operate between Panipat and Ambala, with the journey taking about an hour by train.

The exact distance and travel time may vary depending on the specific route taken. It is always a good idea to check with a reliable source, such as a map or a transportation website, for the most accurate and up-to-date information about distance and travel time between two locations.

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Panipat to Ambala distance

Here is some additional information about the distance between Panipat and Ambala:

  • The distance between Panipat and Ambala by road is approximately 100 kilometers, or 62 miles.
  • The distance between Panipat and Ambala by rail is approximately 85 kilometers, or 53 miles.
  • The travel time by road or rail between Panipat and Ambala will depend on a variety of factors, such as traffic, the specific route taken, and the mode of transportation used.

It is worth noting that the distance and travel time between two locations can vary depending on the specific route taken.

For example, the distance and travel time may be different if you take a more direct route versus a longer, more scenic route. It is always a good idea to check with a reliable source, such as a map or a transportation website, for the most accurate and up-to-date information about distance and travel time between two locations.

The distance between Panipat and Ambala by train is approximately 85 kilometers, or 53 miles. The travel time by train between these two cities is typically around 1 hour, depending on the specific train and route taken.

The distance between Panipat and Ambala by road is approximately 100 kilometers, or 62 miles. The travel time by road between these two cities is typically around 2 hours by car or bus, depending on traffic and other factors.

It is worth noting that the distance and travel time between two locations can vary depending on the specific route taken. For example, the distance and travel time may be different if you take a more direct route versus a longer, more scenic route. It is always a good idea to check with a reliable source, such as a map or a transportation website, for the most accurate and up-to-date information about distance and travel time between two locations.

What is the distance between Panipat and Ambala by road?

Answer: The distance between Panipat and Ambala by road is approximately 100 kilometers, or 62 miles.

How long does it take to travel by train from Panipat to Ambala?

Answer: The travel time by train from Panipat to Ambala is typically around 1 hour, depending on the specific train and route taken.

Is it possible to travel by bus from Panipat to Ambala?

Answer: Yes, it is possible to travel by bus from Panipat to Ambala. The travel time by bus is typically around 2 hours, depending on traffic and other factors.

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